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installed at the Lourve as a part of the Museum Project. Photo by Stephen Kelly




Glen Dallas Gallery: God is a Woman, Group Show



Shared shows as a part of the Van Gogh Project in Santa Barbara and New York under the auspices of "Leilani & Miele."


2014 - solo

Yoga Soup as a part of NECTAR: The Art of Healing

Santa Barbara, CA


2013 -solo 

Center for Performance Research

Brooklyn, NY

installed with tape, clothes pins, photography and spectator games/participation


2012 -solo

ContraMASS Galerie


installed with dance improvisation, tape, clothes pins and projections




Exhibiting my work is no longer a priority for me and my inner/external/unified sense of whole self.  I am grounding into some fresh mediums and want to be free to simply play.  With that said, in recent years, I have been fortunate to find a way to get the expression out there in the context of the work that flows through me as a producer/organizer/choreographer/dancer.  


It was my opportunity to come out of the closet so to speak and be a voice on behalf of survivors of extreme trauma and those who are healing from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and conditions that may go with (DID, depression, anxiety/panic.)  It took a lot of courage to be visible in this way for me, and I know that having the courage to speak my truth through the work was an important part in overcoming the past and reclaiming my freedom.


My first solo show was in Vienna, followed by a solo show in Brooklyn, and then one in Santa Barbara.


I would like to have an artist retrospective in Europe, in that I am genetically mostly european.  Sort of a desire to connect with a deeper sense of home.










oh goodness... the list is way, way, way too long.


Europe: Slovenia, Turkey, Austria, Franee

United States: California, Connecticut, New York



Productions & Co-Productions

The Alma Karlin Project - Alma.Sama

ADaPT Festival Series

Affinity Series

Affinity Festival

Project Minty

The HIVE Series

The TURF Series 

3 Cities: 3 Choreographers

Glorious Beings Concert

Stephen Kelly in Concert

SonneBlauma Master Class Series

SonneBlauma Studio Showing Series

ArtBark Studio Showing Series

The Minty Project

NECTAR Series (contribution of production skills)




© NOW by Dylan Iolani Pu'u Proudly created with

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