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Project Description



The seed idea for this project was birthed in 2012 in the public library in Celje, Slovenia with a conversation between Mojca Majcen, Stephen and Misa Kelly, and Marijan Pušavec. The Kellys knew immediately that they wanted to collaborate on a project with Marijan upon hearing of his expertise as a dramaturgist and learning of his in-depth knowledge of Alma Karlin. The dream was born to create an evening-length work inspired by the life of Karlin.


Over the course of two and a half years, the collective worked in respective cities independently generating material for development of the material that was fleshed out collectively at intensive residencies in Connecticut, New York, and California.   During this phase, excerpts from the creative research were performed as stand alone works in the short form on both the West and East Coasts.


An hour and a half of material was generated, and from this, the Kellys worked with  Marijan to create a 60 minute flow of dance theater with original music composed by Stephen Kelly and Misa Kelly and choreography by the collective. 


It was ArtBark's co-founder Mojca Majcen with the vision to premiere the work at the Cankarjev Dom. 


The vision was brought to life with a three-week creative residency in Slovenia completing the work for premiere with co-producers of the event at the Cankarjev Dom.


The work was performed by principal dancers Mojca Majcen (Slovenia), Misa Kelly (California - of Slovenian descent),Trina Manino (New York), and Cecily Stewart (Santa Barbara) with original music  by pianist/composer Stephen Kelly recorded for the event.



The story of Slovenian Alma Karlin is significantly relevant today for our species, co-existing awkwardly on a planet, which on many levels, is in crisis.  Alma (1889-1950), a visionary beyond her times, dared to shed all that she had been reared to believe as the "right" course of action 

for a woman of her standing.


The polyglot, painter, and author of numerous books sacrificed comfort and convention in favor of an often subsistence-level life with the people of South America, India, Japan, and the South Pacific in the years after the First World War. Celebrated for saying, “an eagle must mate in the air or fly alone,” Karlin believed in the power of empathy, embraced the unknown and continued to expose herself to new ways of thinking and understanding cultures and people 

around the world.


She inhabited a life that fully manifested the calling of her soul, even when it resulted in being shunned and rejected by her community. She stood strong and never failed to speak out when a voice was needed in the period of WWII in Central Europe. Her life is not only a challenge for every individual to pursue a life that fulfills the calling of one's soul, heart, spirit and curiosity. The  examination is also an opportunity to understand what the physical and emotional fibers of a visionary might embody.


Our planet desperately needs its visionaries to be seen and heard. Now is the time for creative solutions to many problems in our world that are presently dangerously out of balance. The answers may not come out of pre-existing systems that were an important part of our evolutionary process. They may not come from world leaders within the political, religious, business, scientific, or academic arenas. They may very well come from spirits such as Alma's.

Alma.Sama gives expression to these notions, and as artists, we embrace this path for as long as it serves the planet, and cosmos, well.



Authors:  Misa Kelly, Stephen Kelly, Marijan Pusavec

Co-Producers: ArtBark International, Cankarjev Dom, Celje House of Culture

Contributing Choreographers: Misa Kelly, Stephen Kelly, Trina Mannino

Original Soundscore by Stephen Kelly with contributions by Misa Kelly


Dancers:  Misa Kelly, Mojca Majcen, Cecily Stewart, Trina Mannino


Costumes and Props: Misa Kelly with feedback from ArtBark International and Marijan Pusavec

Lighting Design:  Borut Lampret

Stage manager: Uroš Plestenjak



Credits by Section


She’s Columbus’ Child

Choreography Trina Mannino in collaboration with Stephen and Misa Kelly

Jaz Sem Alma

Choreography by Trina Mannino, concept by Stephen Kelly

My Bones Rattle With Stories

Choreography by Misa and Stephen Kelly with movement invention by ArtBark Santa Barbara Local

Soaking up the World

Choreography by  Misa and Stephen Kelly in collaboration with Mojca Majcen


Poetry in My Soul

Choreography by Misa Kelly


Steamships and River Crossings

Choreography by Misa and Stephen Kelly with movement invention by ArtBark Santa Barbara Local


Awkwardness and Innocence

Created by Cecily Stewart and Misa Kelly based on direction by Stephen Kelly

Untamed Parts

Choreography by Misa Kelly in collaboration with Trina Mannino

Sound by Misa Kelly

Translating the Eagle

Choreography by Stephen Kelly and Misa Kelly




© 2015 Misa Kelly of ArtBark International - for the Alma Karlin Project. Proudly created with

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