Cosmic Class Creatives Excelling at Bee-ing the Change:.
We tend the planet as we grow our souls through Epic Art-venturing.
ArtBark International: Where art intersects with social innovation and visionaries shift paradigms; valuing sustainability, cultural shamanism, inter-beingness, and creative excellence.
A little levity to brighten your day

Alma.Sama. Pasadena & Santa Barbara
April 28th, 7:30 PM, ARC Pasadena
ArtBark International reprises Alma.Sama. with Guest Artists Hubbard Dance Collective
Tickets: $5 children, $10 adults, $100 patron tickets
April 29th, 6:00 PM, Gail Towbes Center for Dance
ArtBark International reprises Alma.Sama. with Guest Artists Hubbard Dance Collective
Tickets: $5 children, $10 adults, $100 patron tickets. Plus a pop-up shop post performance featuring art from the Chunky Teacup.
Santa Barbara
HHII Festival, Center Stage Theater
February 19th, 2:00 PM
Misa shared a 20 minute work on the HHII festival program performing Sunday February 19th at 2:00 pm at Center Stage Theater. The work was a creative mediation on the question, "What's the Solution?", and in part, was a reaction to the global stress of the shift in the political environment in the United States.
NECTAR: Rise Santa Barbara
September 23rd, 7 pm
Stephen Kelly shared choreographic work and Misa Kelly and Michelle Cotrina had their first sibling shared art show.
July 29th at 8:00 pm
July 30th at 2:00 pm
20th Anniversary of the SpectorDance Choreographer's Showcase
ArtBark International: Alma.Sama. comes to the West Coast and wins an indy Award
ArtBark International: Representing 805 - Tour to Monterey, CA
ArtBark Local: NECTAR: Rise & the HHII Festival
SEE Dance
Jeff Slayton
“Misa Mandigo Kelly, Marijan Pušavec and Stephen Kelly have created an inspiring work that traces Ms. Karlin’s travels around the world, exposes her hopes and fears, and celebrates her talents. It is a wonderful tribute to an amazing person.”
“The choreography by Stephen Kelly, Misa Kelly and Trina Mannino is beautifully structured”
“Mojca Majcen is a beautiful dancer and excels during her solo..”
“Mannino works with ArtBark International while based in Brooklyn, NY. Her performance throughout Alma.Sama. is steady, direct and stunning.”
“Kelly is an experienced performance artist and a seasoned performer who brings life to Karlin through her acting and being comfortable working with props. She is Alma Karlin in one scene and then beautifully performs musically on brass bowls, a gourd, rocks in a jar and with her own vocals as Trina Mannino dances.
“Stephen Kelly’s original sound score greatly contributes to the where and when of Karlin’s life and Paul Tran did a wonderful job of creating the various atmospheres and environments. I am sure that Alma Karlin would have enjoyed and honored by this production.”