Cosmic Class Creatives Excelling at Bee-ing the Change:.
We tend the planet as we grow our souls through Epic Art-venturing.
ArtBark International: Where art intersects with social innovation and visionaries shift paradigms; valuing sustainability, cultural shamanism, inter-beingness, and creative excellence.
A little levity to brighten your day
An Art Adventure in Peer Support
Art+Advocacy = Artvocacy
Art+Artivism = Artivism
Political, Socially Relevant, Bold, Courageous, Drawn from Lived Experiences
Raising awareness through art of the challenges institutionalized artists face in their endeavor to spiral up out of homelessness, institutionalized care, with a desire to live their life purpose and achieve independence.
Episode I: Visual Art Installation and Video Showing for NECTAR: Rise
Santa Barbara, September 2017
Episode II: Performance Art Event at LACMA
a part of The Museum Project 2.0
Los Angeles, May 2018
Episode III: Visual Art Installation for NECTAR: GOD
Santa Barbara, May 2018
Episode IV: Visual Art Installation and Performance for Triskelion Arts Collaboration in Dance Festival
"Van Gogh Goes to Brooklyn"
Brooklyn, September 2018
Episode VII: Performance Art Event at MOMA
a part of The Museum Project 2.0
Manhattan, September 2018
Episode VIII: Performance Art Event at the Norton Simon Museum a part of the Museum Project 3.0
Pasadena, September 2018
Project Goals:
Life Drawing in NYC: exhibition, education, outreach
Life Drawing in Paris: exhibition, education, outreach
Painting in Arles
Visit to the Van Gogh Museum: education, outreach