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Mojca Majcen. Photos: Tone Stojko

Mojca Majcen


After performing with the Slovenian National Theatre, Mojca joined Dance Theatre IGEN as soloist touring widely with their work receiving 1st prize: Choreographic Miniatures in Belgrade, 2nd Prize and Special Jury Prize at Tokyo Dance Platform; Jerabkova 3rd prize award in Prague, with an individual award from Celje, Slovenia. In 2012, Mojca became a co-founder of ArtBark performing with The collective in California, New York, Vienna and Paris. In 2013, with Kirov Dance Company, she toured Slovenia, Korea and Macedonia.


Press Quotes

“Majcen’s the kind of dancer you can’t stop watching: Her exquisite technique is matched by aspellbinding presence. Whether she’s slapping the floor or firing off an above-the-head jeté, she’s incomplete command. It’s only when other dancers join her onstage that you realize she’s hardly more than five feet tall." 

- Elizabeth Schwyzer, Santa Barbara Independent


"Without doubt Mojca Majcen is one of the most distinctive dancers from Slovenia, her virtuosity and passion for dancing will help her to dance in the future on many world stages" 



"In her performance Mojca Majcen shows stylistic and technical diversity of the movement: the pure and ritualized gestures through explosive passion to invest in grueling physical conflicting impulses that give a picture of the Marguerite Gautier" 

- OSLOBODJENJE NEWS SARAJEVO, review from the performance


"The Lady of the Camellias"Di tutt’altra natura femminile la bionda coda di capelli slovena Mojca Majcen: un po’ mantide un po’ trapezista da circo, tra attrezzature da palestra e cappelli da mago, la bravissima Mojca Majcen si dimena instancabile per l’ossessivo arrangiamento balcanico del Bolero"

- FABIANA CAMPANNELA-DRAMMATURGIA ITALIA, review from the performance "The Lady of the Camellias 


"In this choreographic quartet Slovenian dancer Mojca Majcen stood out among other 3 dancers, a bit reserved in newly acquired contemporary style, but the choreographer integrated contemporary style with her sharp ballet technique, which was very exciting to see. " 

- PARADA PLESA, review from the performance He, He, Helium, Daliborka Podboj

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